What is Anxiety a Symptom of?

Symptoms of anxiety
What is Anxiety a Symptom of?

Do you suffer from anxiety? have you ever wondered what anxiety is a symptom of? and how you can best deal with these symptoms of anxiety? This page will focus on the symptoms of anxiety and what it can lead to and how to best deal with these symptoms.

Over-worrying leads to anxiety

The truth is we all experience anxiety at some point in our lives. We worry about the problems that present themselves in our day to day: family issues, health issues, money issues, and of course, pandemic issues.  However, these worries can benefit us as we learn to problem-solve and build up healthy resilience to worries and complications. The problem is really when these worries overtake things to an extreme. They can lead us to be constantly overthinking and/or always believing things will go wrong. In fact, we can overthink and worry so much that we then exhibit physical signs of stress.  This in turn will prevent us from relaxing, concentrating, and even sleeping. Obviously this then leads on to feeling tired, irritable, and having physical health issues.

Anxiety as a symptom

Anxiety can be powerful and greatly debilitating. So many people fear that their anxiety is a symptom of a serious physical or mental illness. But this is generally not the case. Anxiety can be a symptom of many things, some more serious than others, such as:

over stimulation due to technology

food allergies

environmental exposures

too little exercise

too much exercise!

unresolved childhood trauma

relationship issues

bad self care routines

overcrowding in your living space

bad time management

Noise pollution

And the list goes on…

Being mindful of the root causes of anxiety

Many people want a quick answer as to why they are feeling anxious, and what their anxiety is a symptom of. However, mental health does not exist in a vacuum. That means anything that stresses one part of our system will have an effect on our body as a whole. For example, if you have severe anxiety because of a recent divorce, it would really make no sense to take anti-anxiety medication and not address the feelings and emotions the divorce has caused. It would be far better to, alongside any medication, firstly become mindful of the root of the anxiety. Then it would be advisable to get some therapy or self-help to find a healthy way of moving forward.

Similarly, a person could have anxiety and live in a very overcrowded apartment with constant noise pollution. In this case, it would be nonsensical to only prescribe medication. If possible, some action would need to be taken to get out of or mitigate the stressful situation. A more holistic and mindful approach to anxiety and its symptoms needs to be used.

Is there a solution to anxiety and it’s symptoms?

Thankfully, with help, we can understand what our anxiety could be a symptom of. This, along with increasing our mindfulness on what’s causing us to worry can help to eliminate or minimise our anxiety. There are actually a few things you can do to lessen your anxiety. Your diet and exercise habits can even play a huge role. Have a look at our reviews on compact home gyms for a realistic way to get some regular exercise. Further, good self-care routines, including things like regular massages, can help release stress and tension. Check out our blogs on the shiatsu massage technique and our top 5 anxiety tips to help minimise anxiety